What are you looking for? A new driveway or a way to prevent weeds from growing up through the cracks in your current one? If it’s the latter, then installing fabric under your asphalt is just what you need. Fabric can be installed by itself or as an additional layer of protection beneath gravel and other paving materials. It will help keep weeds at bay for many years to come! You don’t have to worry about pets being able to tear it up either – fabric is tough enough that even if they try, they won’t make much progress.

Why is it necessary to put fabric under the gravel path?

The gravel is heavy. If it’s not separated from the dirt, you will have a mess on your hands when it starts to rain and there are puddles in the gravel path. The fabric helps with drainage so that water can seep through instead of pooling up where you don’t want it to be (like under your driveway or sidewalk). This works because weeds need light for their seeds to germinate therefore if there are no cracks or holes in the material weeds will be unable to grow beneath the gravel border. As the driveway fabric is made of 100% polypropylene, it does not degrade or corrode in any weather conditions.

Steps for installing Driveway Fabric

Site preparation

Measure the length and width of your driveway. Dig up all grass, weeds, or shrubs within about a foot from where you want to lay the border. Use a shovel, pickax, or another digging tool to break up the soil. After all of the vegetation is cleared out that area should be loose dirt which you can then level with your hand rake. If there are any large rocks in place they need to go as well so move them aside and discard where necessary. Rake the entire site until it is smooth and level.

Fabric Installation

The most important part of installing the fabric is making sure that it lays flat and does not have any wrinkles or creases in it. This will prevent weeds from growing beneath your driveway border. If you are laying a border around a sidewalk, make sure to leave an extra two inches on each side for expansion when the concrete is poured over the top.

Secure with Staples

Once it has been laid flat, secure the fabric with heavy-duty staples. This can be done by stapling every two feet or so around the entire perimeter of your driveway border. Finally, to prevent debris from clogging up your new border you should use a broom and sweep away any excess dirt or gravel that might fall into place during construction.

Add and Spread the Base Material

Add and spread your base material as outlined in the original instructions. Make sure to lay down a thicker foundation for this section, since it will be supporting all of the extra weight that comes with an asphalt driveway.

Now that you know how to install fabric around your new driveway border or sidewalk boundary, there is no reason why you cannot do so yourself and save money on installation costs.